
So they just did a Scott Pilgrim animation and got all the original actors to voice the characters. That would be very sweet imo. Then get the original creators on board to write the story and lead animation... perfect world. (I know this is a sore spot for you Alan. *hugs*)

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I thin an animated series would be better than a movie. It would be better explain all of the things that have happened to make the T.G. world the way that it is. The movie did a great job , but a series can go more in depth with it. It also gets rid of all the expensive c.g.i. and a lot of production cost .

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Without Alan helping this is just going to be one more cash grab from a desperate movie company, cashing in on someone elses fame. At least people are used to this kind of rip off and will probably not confuse it with the original and best, while knowing that in today's movie and entertainment industry, entertainment is not guaranteed (by a long shot).

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Alan, will we see any new TG comics in 2024?

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I REALLY hope this gets made. The animation in the movie was sooooo good!

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